Hi, I am Eric Logan, and this is a website

I've been dorking around with Linux and other Unix derivatives for over 20 years, and computers in general for nearly 30.
You can hire me, for anything from a few hours to full time. Until recently, I used to work as an infra guy at a place you've probably heard of where I primarily worked on operating system upgrades (both Centos and Windows) and the Chef configuration management system (both cookbooks and Chef itself). I also did a bunch of planning facilitation, interviewing, and mentorship. Code I wrote is currently running on every one of their machines in the world, from data centres to corporate laptops, a number somewhere in the millions.
Some other information you may find interesting:
In 2007, I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Mathematics degree, Honours Combinatorics and Optimization, Computer Science minor. I received two major awards for graduating students: Honorary Lifetime Membership in the UW Mathematics Society (for leadership and student life contributions, usually two to three graduates a year) and the J Alan George Award (the same, but only one graduate a year). If you care about that sort of thing.
This page is being served from a FreeBSD jail running on a nearly-silent server in my living room. I put everything to make it work together by hand. And I do mean everything: from the hardware to the HTML and every layer in-between. Well, not the SSL certificate. That necessarily required a helping hand.